A Rice Revitalization initiative

Sharing in aspirations to revitalise abandoned paddy fields and enhance food sovereignty in Sabah, Projek Padi brings together farmers, civil society, and government to breathe new life into ancestral traditions.

it takes a village to plant a seed...

Sharing in aspirations to revitalise abandoned paddy fields and enhance food sovereignty in Sabah, Projek Padi brings together farmers, civil society, and government to breathe new life into ancestral traditions.

Supported by Yayasan Hasanah and Forever Sabah, Projek Padi first took roots in two villages and has since expanded to two more:

Kg. Lapasan Ulu

Kg. Tinuhan

Kg. Timbou

Kg. Wangkod

See what we’ve been up to

Pesta Padi 2.0

Pesta Padi is a celebration of all that the farming community here has accomplished in Phase 2.0 of Projek Padi.

Tamu Tanah  & air 2023

Proudly promoting our local products at Tamu Tanah & Air 2023.

Gotong royong

Our farmers coming together for a joint community cleanup.

Welcome to Projek Padi!

Projek Padi is a paddy and cultural revitalization initiative located in Tenghilan (Tuaran), Sabah. It’s aim is to enhance food security and strengthen community resilience through the inherited traditions of paddy planting and empowered local entrepreneurship while being responsible stewards of the land.

We assist farmers in reviving their paddy fields and/or transition their reliance on industrial agri-chemicals to using sustainable methods of paddy planting grounded in local knowledge. By effect, improving the well-being (health) of the communities, enabling the opportunity of selling artisanal (organic) heirloom rice at fair trade prices, as well as inspiring agri-tourism opportunities to come alive.

We envision a future where our communities are healthy, self-sufficient, and have thriving local economies that hold on to indigenous values. This is our story of resilience, community and food sovereignty.
Learn more about our story
Our work is led by Forever Sabah and supported by Yayasan Hasanah, Prihatin and LEAP Spiral

From farm-to-shelf

After farmers keep enough rice for their families, they package and sell their surplus Sabah Hierloom rice  under our home-grown community brand, Wagas Dati. Spreading the taste of artisanal village goodness to whomever we can.
Find out more

how we plant our rice

Projek Padi is a comunity led driven initiative involving four communities (Kg. Tinuhan, Kg. Timbou, Kg. Lapasam, and Kg. Wangkod) who are working together to nurture cultural revitalisation, community empowerment, and establishing food security for their communities.

What we grow